Game of Code spoiler disclosure - I am not responsible for any spoilers that I may unintentionally give away I noticed that my most engaged learning happens when I combine analogy and humor. So I’m currently learning about Programming Design...
coding design patterns, factory, prototype, singleton, pub-sub, observer, gof, gang of four
Ethical Issues for the Modern Day Programmer Many programmers are isolated from the end user experience, so much so that they lose sight of how their code or actions can have lasting affects on others. For example, what if you...
Web Dev Experience in General So far I’m about 2 weeks into my first meteor project. Techinically it’s not my first web app project so far, but it is the first that I received technical training on. My first project...
What’s got me in Meteor In my software engineering course we’ve been going over this new JS web framework called meteor. Meteor is cool because it uses pub / sub so you don’t have to have the user refresh all...
Overview Explorers of the internet of today would drown without a guide. Sometimes it seems like there is just too much information out there. To solve this we are proposing an app with insight from a community that you trust...
Talk about a Throwback Thursday Even though I have had exposure to html and css for over a decade, I just recently started studying them academically. Now the exposure I speak of takes me all the way back to my...
Have you ever tried really hard to make a team or pass a test and your skills just didn’t cut it? Everyone has experienced the feeling of “not being good enough”. Sometimes this is for good reason: you shouldn’t pass...
coding standards, language style, code inspectors, IDEs, ESLint, IntelliJ
Finding the Answers You Seek For beginning programmers, like myself, there are a lot of occasions that come along where something just won’t work no matter what you do. Whether it is a compile error or a hardware issue, there...
So in case you’re not as big of a Game of Thrones fan as I am, the Song of Ice and Fire is a fantasy book series, that has been adapted into a very popular TV series. Without giving too...
It’s Easy to See That Time is Money SO WHY NOT SEE VOLUNTEERING AS AN INVESTMENT? In some ways, I’ve been a volunteer junkie my whole life. Whether it was getting myself involved in club leadership positions or signing my...
volunteering, networking, experience, new skills, group projects, resume building